Sunday, January 20, 2019

Word Fascination and Spelling Lesson

The dog's hiney wagged furiously. Is it "hiney" or "hinny?"

A "hiney" is the two rounded buttocks (one is buttock) on the posterior of the pelvic region.

Although a "hinny" is the offspring of a female donkey and male horse.

You learn something new every day. Happy reading and writing!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Word Fascination

Hung or hanged? Do you know the difference?
Hung is the regular past tense version of hang.
Hanged on the other hand, is only used when indicating a person is to be put to death by hanging. An act of execution is always hanged. Things are hung, but people are hanged.
Mork hung his head out of the car window. Dogs will do that.
Mario was sentence to be hanged by the neck until dead after he was found guilty for the murder of his brother; he cheated the hangman when he hanged himself in his cell.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Word Fascination

Chicanery -  deception, trickery, verbiage, talk, flimflam, waffle, nonsense, underhandedness, double-dealing, smoke and mirrors.

The student body was in shock. Over the long weekend someone had painted a mural across the lockers depicting the Thanksgiving Day turkey on the chopping block along with its hooded executioner.

"That took a lot of work," Jason said, stooping to get a closer look at the mural.

"Maybe, but it is destruction of public property," Eric mumbled, shaking his head. "Someone is going to get in trouble for this."

"Yeah. It'll probably be us; my logo is in the corner," Jon said, pointing to the corner of the mural.

Once again, the Bandit's chicanery found the Angels in the principal's office.