Sunday, March 28, 2021

Easton Series Characters - Jonathan Hardy

Deputy Jerry introduces the troubled youth Jonathan Hardy to the angels. Jon is 14 years old, has sandy brown hair and brown eyes. He is the same height as Eric. Jon has a problem and no one believes him when he tries to get help. After spending time with Jason, Eric, Sonja and Lauren, Jon tells them his secret and together they “investigate” this new mystery occurring in the little town of Easton.

Jon’s mother, Sharon Hardy, has a medical problem and Jon worries about her getting the medical attention she needs. Only when the Sanders suggest that Jonathan stay with them was she willing to go to San Francisco for treatment. She had stubbornly refused to go until Jonathan had somewhere safe to stay.

Jon is artistic and keeps a cool head which is useful when the Angels stir up trouble.

Jon appears in Easton Harvest, Easton Holiday and Easton Blossoms.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Easton Series Characters - Eric


Eric Lane is blond haired and blue eyed with a devilish gleam that reveals a sharp intelligence. Eric loves animals and reading. He is the quiet one of the angels, but can hold his own in any situation.

Eric was hurting. He was doing his best to keep to himself. Eric’s mother had been young when she found out she was pregnant. When Eric was born he was taken away from her and given to his grandmother to raise as her own. Eric’s mother grew up, got married and had other children. She forgot about Eric. By the time he was 12, Eric’s energy was taxing on his grandmother.

Eric came to live at the Sanders Ranch when his grandmother became ill and could no longer keep up with the energetic little boy. Eric felt abandoned and was quietly rebelling.

Catch Eric in all four Easton Series books.